Questions about the book
po English
10 pitanja
1. What's the full name of the character?
a Coraline Jhon
b Coraline Jonathan
c Coraline Jones
d Coraline Joane
2. Who's the author?
a Neil Jorman
b Nail Gaiman
c Neil Jones
d Nail Johman
3. Where did Coraline move from?
a Massachusetts
b Macau
c Minnesota
d Marrocos
4. What are Coraline's dancering neighbors downstairs names?
a Miss April Sink and Mirian Forcible
b Miss Mary Forcible and Amy Sink
c Miss Mirian Sink and June Mary
d Miss Amy Woolf and April Sink
5. What's the name of Coraline's neighbor upstairs?
a Mr. Sergei Alexander Bobinsky.
b Mr. Bobby John Will
c Mr. Henry Lot Bobby
d Mr. Sergei Bobby John
6. What's the name of Coraline's neighbor upstairs?
a Mr. Sergei Alexander Bobinsky.
b Mr. Bobby John Will
c Mr. Henry Lot Bobby
d Mr. Sergei Bobby John
7. What's the name of Coraline's neighbor upstairs?
a Mr. Sergei Alexander Bobinsky.
b Mr. Bobby John Will
c Mr. Henry Lot Bobby
d Mr. Sergei Bobby John
8. What's on the other side of the door that Coraline crosses?
a A mirror
b Another world
c Another planet
d A well
9. Who's eye does Coraline pull out?
a The Cat
b The other Fathers
c The other mothers
d The Wybie
10. Where does the other mother put Coraline for a time-out?
a Locked in the room
b In the kitchen
c Inside the closet
d Behind a mirror