William Shakespeare
How much do you know about this formidable and timeless writer ?
po Bárbara e Thaís
8 pitanja
1. How many sonnets Shakespeare wrote ?
a 155
b 116
c 54
d 154
2. What are the names of Shakespeare's beloved ones ?
a The Young Lady and W.H.
b The Dark Lady and W.H.
c The Dark Boy and The Old Lady
d Ophelia and Hamlet
3. What caused Shakespeare's death ?
a He commit suicide
b He was murdered
c He died of malaria
d He died of typhoid fever
4. Most of him poems are arranged with :
a One tetrameter and a sestet
b Two sestets
c One octave and one sestet
d He didn’t care about metre
5. Which theme was not part of his plays ?
a Love
b Gluttony
c Lust
d Greed
6. What did his epitaph say ?
a Love is an ever-fixed mark
b To be or not to be, that is the question
c Anyone who moves my bones will be cursed
d Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
7. How many words were first seen in his plays ?
a 1.700
b 1.300
c 1.500
d None
8. “Love is not love which alters when ir alteration finds” :
a Sonnet 110
b Sonnet 116
c Sonnet 120
d Sonnet 234